The Boston Uprising Boston Uprising OWL Rank #0 Valentine Kim Byoungju dps punk Leyton Gilchrist tank Faith Hong Gyu Kim support Crimzo William Hernandez support have parted ways with support player Halo and tank player mikeyy . They’re the first two players to depart from the team after their 2020 season ended.

The two joined the Uprising during the season in March and May respectively from Triumph and Noble. Halo took over the support role after Swimmer retired in April, while mikeyy saw limited playtime on tank compared to Fusions.

Halo Halo joined the Uprising in March. Image credit: Carlton Beener for Activision-Blizzard Entertainment.

The team began making changes two weeks ago, starting with the departure of assistant coach Mini and analyst spackle. On Monday, they added Lori as their new head coach in place of Mineral, who moved to a management role on the team.

The Uprising finished in last place in the 2020 regular season and were eliminated in the second round of play-ins in the North American playoffs.

The Boston Uprising Boston Uprising OWL Rank #0 Valentine Kim Byoungju dps punk Leyton Gilchrist tank Faith Hong Gyu Kim support Crimzo William Hernandez support 's lineup is:

  • Kelsey "Colourhex" Birse (DPS)
  • Min "Jerry" Tae-Hui (민태희) (DPS)
  • Leyton "punk" Gilchrist (Off-tank)
  • Park "Axxiom" Min-sub (박민섭) (Tank)
  • Cameron "Fusions" Bosworth (Tank)
  • Seo "Myunbong" Sang-min (서상민) (Flex Support)

Their staff are:

  • Kim "Lori" Seung-hyun (김승현) (Head Coach)
  • Valentin "Ascoft" Wulfman (Assistant Coach)