The Uprising Academy Uprising Academy Contenders NA Rank #0 Adam Adam Soong off tank Mozser Michael Moser flex support Stellar Lee Do-Hyung dps Finale dps GIG Rick Salazar tank Dank Damien Ryding tank FiXa Kwon Young Hoon (권영훈) support announced that they have parted ways with off-tank player Frostedd and main tank RhynO , and have added Karasuno Karasuno North America Rank #0 prov1de Owen Warner flex support off-tank player False to the team.

RhynO has been with the team since last December, while Frostedd joined under a trial basis last month. The former has since joined Odyssey.

False takes the place of the whole left behind at off-tank. With Karasuno, he placed first in the North American Open Division Season 1, and were the runner-ups in Week 2 of Contenders Season 1.

The Uprising Academy finished second in Trials Week 4 today, and have qualified for Week 4 of the main season.

The Uprising Academy Uprising Academy Contenders NA Rank #0 Adam Adam Soong off tank Mozser Michael Moser flex support Stellar Lee Do-Hyung dps Finale dps GIG Rick Salazar tank Dank Damien Ryding tank FiXa Kwon Young Hoon (권영훈) support 's roster is:

  • Thomas "TAP" Alexander Prins (DPS)
  • Hong "im37" Jin-ui (홍진의) (DPS)
  • Nick "False" Wiseman (Off-tank)
  • Timber "kraandop" Rensen (Tank)
  • Magnus "Doggo" Johannesen (Flex Support)
  • Lin "SixFeet" Shen Xia (Support)

Their staff are:

  • Jacob "Spilo" Clifton (Head Coach)
  • Matthew "Noxious" Sawyer (Assistant Coach)