
Hello! I am here to see if anyone is interested in picking me up on their
professional team! Here are some things about me before I answer some questions.
I am 17 and haved loved video games ever seen I was a kid. It wasnt till tf2 to where
I took games serously I am stil currently in school but have plenty of times aftwards to practice
I have some competative experience and will share that in my questions. Anyways I communicate well
and have good shot calling skills. Here are some questions you might want to know

-How old are you?


-What is your schedule like?

I am available everyday anywhere right now from

10 am cst to 1 am cst but once school starts

I will only be available 4:15pm cst to 1 cstam

-What is your competative experience?

I played a few games of TF2,DirtyBomb, and I have 50+ hours in competative

-What do you do on your freetime?

I usually just watch top tier players vods,streams,gosu tournie,ESL tournies etc

-What role do you play?

I play reinhart but can flex any dps and any supp

Im top 1k reinhart and can offtank verywell

-Whats ur rank?

Im currently rank 65 solo q reinhart main probably will be
67 when you add me though

-What are your strong heroes?

My strongest heroes right now are Reinhart,Genji,Roadhog,Zenyatta,Tracer,Reaper

I can also zarya pretty good but i dont play her as much as all the heroes listed above

Anyways thats all the questions i can think of if you have any furthur questions you can

contact me your battle net below and ill make sure to add you :)

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